Apr 27, 2023

Why Are Craps Players More Superstition

While all casino games have their share of superstitions, craps players may seem more superstitious than players of other games for a few reasons:

The game itself has a rich history and culture

Craps have been played for centuries and have a colorful history that includes various traditions and superstitions. As a result, many players may feel a deeper connection to the game and its cultural heritage and may be more likely to adopt its superstitions and beliefs.

The social aspect of the game

Craps is a highly social game that involves multiple players and a lot of interaction between them. This can create a sense of camaraderie and group dynamics that can lead to the spread of superstitions and beliefs among players.

The complexity of the game

There are many different betting options and craps winning strategies, which can be intimidating for some players. As a result, some players may rely on superstitions and rituals to feel more in control and confident when playing.

The high stakes of the game

Craps can be a high-stakes game, with players potentially winning or losing large sums of money in a single roll of the dice. This can create a sense of pressure and anxiety, which can lead some players to rely on superstitions and beliefs as a way to cope with the stress.

Ultimately, the reasons why craps players may seem more superstitious than players of other games are complex and multifaceted. However, it's important to remember that superstitions and beliefs are personal and subjective, and have no real impact on the outcome of the game.

Popular Craps Superstitions

Blowing on the dice for good luck

Some craps players believe that blowing on the dice before rolling them will help to "warm them up" or give them good luck. This superstition is based on the idea that a player's breath can affect the way the dice land and influence the outcome of the game.

Using the same dice for the entire game

Some players believe that using the same set of dice for the entire game will give them good luck. This superstition is based on the idea that the dice develop a sort of "personality" over time and become "lucky" for the player who uses them.

Touching the player's chips for good luck

Some players believe that touching their chips or rubbing them together before making a bet will bring them good luck. This superstition is based on the idea that the player's energy and intention can influence the outcome of the game.

Avoiding the number seven, which is considered unlucky in craps

In craps, the number seven is often seen as a "bad" number because it can end a player's turn or cause them to lose their bets. Some players believe that avoiding this number, either by not betting on it or by using strategies that minimize its impact, will bring them good luck.

Placing bets on specific numbers or combinations that are believed to be lucky

Some craps players believe in lucky numbers or combinations and will bet on them consistently throughout the game. For example, a player may always bet on the "hard eight" (two fours) because they believe it is lucky for them.

Avoiding the first roll of the game, also known as the "come-out" roll

Some players believe that the first roll of the game sets the tone for the rest of the game and that a bad roll on the come-out roll can lead to a losing streak. As a result, some players may choose to sit out the first round of the game or make smaller bets until they feel that their luck has turned.

Tossing the dice in a specific way or with a specific hand motion for good luck

Some craps players have specific rituals or hand motions that they believe will bring them good luck when tossing the dice. For example, a player may always tap the table twice before tossing the dice or use a certain hand motion to "set" the dice before rolling them. These superstitions are based on the idea that the player's energy and intention can influence the outcome of the game.

Not saying the word "seven" during the game

This superstition is based on the idea that speaking the word "seven" during the game will jinx the player's luck and cause the number to appear on the next roll. Some players will go so far as to use alternative words or phrases, such as "big red" or "the devil."

Carrying a lucky charm or amulet, such as a rabbit's foot or a four-leaf clover

Many people in different cultures believe in the power of lucky charms or talismans. Craps players may carry a lucky charm or amulet with them to the game, such as a rabbit's foot, a four-leaf clover, or a lucky coin, to bring them good luck and ward off bad luck.

Wearing a certain color or item of clothing for good luck

Similar to carrying a lucky charm, some craps players may wear a certain color or item of clothing for good luck. For example, a player may always wear a red shirt because they believe it will bring them good luck.

Holding onto the dice until a certain ritual or belief is completed, such as rubbing the dice on the table or kissing them before rolling

Some craps players have specific rituals or beliefs that they follow before rolling the dice. For example, a player may rub the dice on the table for good luck, or kiss them before tossing them. This superstition is based on the idea that the player's energy and intention can influence the outcome of the game.

Playing only when certain astrological or numerological conditions are met

Some craps players believe that certain astrological or numerological conditions can influence the outcome of the game. For example, a player may only play when their lucky number or astrological sign is aligned with certain conditions or positions.

Avoiding eye contact with other players while rolling the dice

Some players believe that making eye contact with other players while rolling the dice can distract them or jinx their luck. As a result, some players may avoid making eye contact or even close their eyes while rolling the dice.

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