
Apr 26, 2023

Slots vs Video Poker - Which is Better

In the world of casino gambling, two popular electronic games stand out: slots and video poker. While both games share some similarities, they have distinct differences that every player should understand before deciding which game to play. In this article, we'll explore the differences between slots and video poker and help you determine which game may be better suited to your style and preferences.

Explanation of Slots and Video Poker

Slots and video poker are electronic casino games that are played using a machine. Slots are simple games that involve spinning reels and lining up symbols to create winning combinations. Video poker, on the other hand, is a game that involves using a video screen to play a poker game. Both games require players to place bets and offer the chance to win big prizes.

Brief History of Slots and Video Poker

Slots have been around for over a century, with the first slot machine invented in 1895 by Charles Fey in San Francisco. Originally, slots were mechanical machines that used physical reels to determine the outcome of the game. Today's slots, however, are entirely electronic and use random number generators to determine the outcome of each spin.

Video poker, on the other hand, was invented in the 1970s and became popular in the 1980s. The game was first introduced to casinos as a way to attract players who were intimidated by table games like poker. Video poker machines quickly became popular, and today they can be found in almost every casino in the world.

Importance of Understanding the Differences between Slots and Video Poker

While slots and video poker may seem similar at first glance, they have significant differences that can impact your gaming experience. Understanding these differences is essential if you want to maximize your chances of winning and have the most fun while playing. By understanding the nuances of each game, you can choose the one that best suits your personality, budget, and goals. So let's dive deeper into the differences between these two popular electronic casino games.

Similarities Between Slots and Video Poker

While there are many differences between slots and video poker, there are also some similarities that they share. Here are the main similarities between the two games:

Both are Casino Games

First and foremost, both slots and video poker are popular casino games that can be found in almost every casino in the world. They are both electronic games that are played using a machine, and they are both designed to be fast-paced and exciting.

Both Use Electronic Machines

As mentioned earlier, both slots and video poker use electronic machines to determine the outcome of the game. In slots, the machine uses a random number generator to determine the position of the reels and the symbols that appear on them. In video poker, the machine uses a computer program that simulates a poker game, with the player using buttons to make decisions on which cards to hold or discard.

Both Require Some Element of Luck

While both games require some skill and strategy, luck is a significant factor in determining the outcome of each game. In slots, players rely entirely on luck to determine which symbols appear on the reels and whether they create a winning combination. In video poker, players can use strategy to decide which cards to hold or discard, but ultimately the cards that are dealt are random and based on luck.

Differences Between Slots and Video Poker

While slots and video poker may seem similar, there are many differences that set them apart from each other. Here are the main differences between the two games:


One of the most significant differences between slots and video poker is the amount of skill and strategy required to play. In video poker, players must make decisions on which cards to hold or discard, which can significantly impact their chances of winning in video poker. In contrast, slots rely purely on luck, with players having no control over which symbols appear on the reels.


Another significant difference between the two games is the odds of winning. Video poker typically has better odds than slots, with some machines offering a payout percentage of over 100% if played with optimal strategy. In contrast, the odds of winning at slots are generally lower, with some machines having a payout percentage of 95 %. But we have found out the best rtp slots with return over 98 %.

However, slots do have the potential for higher jackpots than video poker. While video poker has a maximum payout that is determined by the machine's paytable, slots can offer progressive jackpots that increase every time someone plays the machine until someone wins the grand prize.


In video poker, payouts are determined by a set paytable that is displayed on the machine. This paytable outlines the payouts for each winning hand, and players can use this information to make decisions on which cards to hold or discard. In contrast, slot payouts can vary widely based on the specific machine and the casino where it is located.


Variance refers to the level of risk involved in playing a particular game. Video poker typically has lower variance than slots, meaning that players can expect more consistent payouts over time. In contrast, slots have higher variance, meaning that players may experience long periods of time with no payouts followed by a big win.

Understanding the differences between slots and video poker can help you decide which game is right for you. If you enjoy games that require skill and strategy and offer better odds, video poker may be the way to go. If you prefer the excitement of high jackpots and don't mind relying on luck, slots may be more your style.

Which Game is Right for You?

After learning about the differences between slots and video poker, you may be wondering which game is right for you. The answer to that question depends on several factors, including your personality traits, budget, and available time.

Personality Traits

One essential factor to consider when choosing between slots and video poker is your personality traits. If you are the type of person who enjoys strategy and making decisions that impact your chances of winning, then video poker may be the better option for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy the excitement of relying solely on luck and don't mind waiting for the occasional big win, then slots may be more up your alley.


Another crucial factor to consider when choosing between the two games is your budget. Video poker typically has better odds than slots, meaning that you are more likely to win money in the long run. However, video poker also requires more significant bets to achieve those payouts. If you have a smaller budget, you may prefer slots, as they allow for smaller bets and the potential for higher payouts.


Finally, the amount of time you have available to play should also be taken into account. Slots are often faster-paced than video poker, meaning that you can play more games in a shorter amount of time. If you are short on time, slots may be the better option. However, if you have more time to dedicate to playing, video poker may be the better choice, as it requires more thought and strategy.

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